We are inviting you to come see the largest installation of the reImagining yet! Join us for a night of amazing art and the full scope of the reImagining project. Come out opening night Wednesday the 27th at 5:30pm at the Longwood Arts Gallery. See below for the full calendar of events celebrating this amazing exhibition!
bronx council of the arts
Oh What a Night!!! Rain or Shine Bronx:Africa was a hit!
There was a party in the Bronx.....
The gallery was packed with art lovers and well wishers!
It is an honor to have the reimagining be apart of the Bronx:Africa exhibition!
Look Ma, my name is on the wall!
Look Ma, my work is on the wall!
It was so good to see the friends that are also in the show and who came out to support us!
Hey Elvira girl! You and your art look fabulous!
Good to make new friends and see ones you have not seen in forever!
IFE!!!!! So good to see you!
And look who made the front page!
Look Ma, we made the paper!
Even though last night could not last forever - the show is up until May 4th! Stop by to see all the great work and the intriguing community programming!
The end of the night was only the beginning of an amazing exhibition!
the reImagining is on BronxNet!
I apologize to my poor neglected blog! It's been way too long since I touched base! But good news, I just did my first television spot in support of the reImagining! It was nerve wracking, but very fun!
We had such a blast, and the host Rhina was so cool!
Fun on the set of Open!